
B-girl Kastet: “If we free our brains, it will be easier to reach our goals”.

by Aug 7, 2018Breaking

There are not so many dancers like b-girl Kastet who can truly express their love to the dance so naturally! Being a Redbull BC One winner in 2019, makes us really happy that somebody so devoted and creative wins the leading 1 vs 1 breaking championship. We are also proud that we manage to publish this interview even before her significant success, so we hope that we managed to spread the word about this great dancer and introduce her to more b-boys and b-girl.

Hello, Kastet. We all know that you have won first ever official b-girl qualification for Red Bull BC One Finals in Russia and you are going to Zurich, Switzerland. Congrats! What does this achievement mean to you and what do you expect on this worldwide event?

Hello! I am very happy that I won first ever official b-girl qualification for the Red Bull BC One Finals in Russia. For my entire career this is probably the greatest achievement and most challenging battle ever. This win gave me the opportunity to present myself to the world and get out from the underground scene. For me Red Bull BC One is strong and tough global championship which gives the opportunity to reach new level and get noticed.

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It’s obvious that in the last years we have seen big changes in the b-girl scene and it gets massive supports from all around the world. What happened? What is the reason behind the increasing worldwide recognition of b-girls? What have influenced the development of b-girl community?

I think that the fact that breaking goes to higher levels is connected directly with the Olympics. It becomes more popular, there are teachers, training plans and breaking becomes more disciplined and adopts the rules of sport. I think these all affect the development of the b-girl community. As in any sport there are men and there are women disciplines, so it became more and more battles for the girls.

How are you going to prepare for the world finals and are there any specific goals that you would like to achieve at this event? Who would you like to battle with on the stage of Redbull BC One Finals?

Now I’m trying to keep track of my food, but so far I don’t succeed (I love eating 🙂 ) I pay a lot of attention on the physical preparation, as well as stretching. I’m trying to sharpen my moves to be perfect. Of course, I do not forget about toprock and footwork. When doing toprock I am trying to dance with all my body and each time to include something new. As to footwork, I am driving the foundation in both directions and follow the clarity and beauty of the form. As a result, I combine all moves in sets and started to work on endurance. Of course, there are goals, my goal is to win this championship, but even if I do not win I have the same goal to do everything that I can at 100% and not to lose myself. Achieving vitory over yourself is also an important goal for me – to defeat your fear, insecurity and show my style and vision. In fact, I would like to battle against AmiATKate.

Sometimes we are not stable during practice and how much it suppress development, but we can control our emotions and if we win this fight and free our brains from going off, it will be much easier to reach our goals.



If you got the opportunity to organize an event for b-girls, how would you do it? Is it going to have some unique concept and who are you going to invite?

I guess I would invite not only b-girls. I would call tough b-boys and b-girls who love cyphers and for whom cypher is an inalienable part of breaking. That’s needed in order to have powerful exchange and the girls defeat their fear of dancing in cyphers. I would include also workshops or even conferences on various topics (like it was during Red Bull BC One Russia Camp and the discussion panel about “Bite in Bboy community”). I would definitely invite b-girl Nadia, At, Movie One and those girls who gave and still are giving a powerful meaning of breaking itself, and they do not forget that first of all it is all about the dance, it’s an art!

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Please, give a piece of advice to all b-girls who dance hard and dedicate themselves how to get more recognition by the breaking community?

Wow! Well, maybe the advice is to believe in your dream, to believe that everything is possible, all the limitations are in the head. Do not think that we can’t do something recognizable. Use your disadvantages and make them look like advantages. I’m a girl, too, and I know very well how emotionally we are. Sometimes we are not stable during practice and how much it suppress development, but we can control our emotions and if we win this fight and free our brains from going off, it will be much easier to reach our goals. And if it’s about the practical part, then probably need to travel more to different evens, find out new information, go to the workshops, communicate with different people and for sure search for the knowledge in this culture. Then, you will find out your own vision about the dance and will be who you are on the dance floor. Only after this will come recognition.

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You can follow Kastet on Instagram here.

Core Team is thankful to Kastet for this interview and support to our idea of spreading valuable knowledge.

*Used images and videos are taken from the web or given by the interviewed person and belongs to their respected owners.

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