
Robin: “Live your life in a good way”

by Sep 28, 2018Breaking

B-boy Robin from Top 9 crew is one of those b-boys that is extremely hard to battle with. His rich arsenal of signature moves, battle attitude and deep knowledge of the foundation make Robin a tough b-boy. However, he is among the pioneers of the Russian breaking scene and still truly devoted to hip hop culture. 

Hi, again, Robin! We all know that you are one of the most popular b-boys on the planet today. You are famous for your raw attitude when breaking. But not many knows that you are also organizer of event called Jam Staraya Shkola which translated in English sounds like Old School Jam. Tell us, please, your idea and the concepts behind it?

Thank you for your kind words! I don’t think that I’m one of the most popular b-boys in the world, maybe in negative way lol 🙂 that can be true – probably the most hated b-boy on the planet . The truth is hard to be accepted so no one like to hear it if it concerns him and can accept it as the way it is.

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Jam Staraya Shkola was born in Ukraine in 2012. During that time b-boy world and scene had already been fu**ed up by the commercial touch of organizers, fake b-boys, b-girls, judges, trends and biters. People have stopped visiting events to have fun and see friends, the mass attended events only to compete or to make get fame. So the main idea of the event is – PLACE FOR MEETING! This jam has only one contest – “Feel the Rhythm” with original connection concept between dancers and musicians! The main part of the event in 2012 was a battle 40vs40, “Old School” vs “New School” with members of the Ukrainian breaking scene. Without limit of the time duration, with no judges. All b-boys were invited to the event personally. In 2016, 2017, 2018 main part was 20vs20 again without judges. All b-boys were preselected during 6-hour cyphers by secret “judges”.

How many dancers had attended previous editions? Were there some b-boys and b-girls from Europe or other part of the worlds who were interested in coming to your event?

There were 550 people in 2012. Only b-boys and b-girls, from all ages, no other guests because there is no “show”. In 2016, 2017, 2018 there were 1000+ people from all ages b-boys and b-girls. This jam was organized only by myself and I invested only my personal cash so I just didn’t have budget to bring foreign guests. In 2017 I managed to bring Mista Sweet (3S Dj’s) one of the last DJ’s who was playing from records not from Serato. In 2018 I had Scandinavian OG – b-boy Freeze who is great inspiration for many people around the world! People from Europe, Asia, USA are afraid or lazy to visit Russia lol 🙂 Many b-boys are spending a lot of money to visit only the most famous competitions around the world but don’t even ever try to visit real raw jam which is completely different from what they know!

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What makes this event so unique?

Being real, true and raw make this event unique. You don’t have to wait and don’t have to worry about results. All you need is do what you love – dance! 8 hours non-stop cyphers without qualifications rounds and bulls**t judges which can’t even do judges a showcase (lol:) ). Also 2018 edition was rocked by 15 Dj’s each one of them was playing unique 40-minute set. From 2017 we start cooperation with our streetwear brands  like Funk&Furious and BreakDown Streetwear so every person who get spot in 20vs20 squads received free outfit with colors of his squad. People like digits so if we will say this in digits sounds like that: you pay $8 for entrance to the jam and if you are picked to the squad you will receive $60 outfit for free and all this outfit is unique because it consists of 20 pieces exclusively made for the squad.

Explain to us what to expect from this year edition?

Every year we go to the next level, so I am just going to say only – come, see and feel it by yourself!

Every year we go to the next level, so I am just going to say only – come, see and feel it by yourself!



Do you know already between whom you would like to organize a battle? Crew vs Crew or 1vs1?

My Dream, my real dream is to bring all the legends, “stars”, game changers, innovators, top in the game at the moment just to have fun like it is supposed to be on a jam with free entrance! But straight to your question – I will do a battle 40 vs 40 my squad vs World Squad that will be selected by myself so we will have only real b-boys in this battle, no fake ones.

We want to wish you all the best with your event and only bright future. Do you have any message to young generation nowadays?

Thank you. I will keep going and do all what I can do. My message: Live your life in a good way, so you can smile every morning when you look at yourself in the mirror. P.S. Without my family, my crew, my friends, I’m nothing.

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You can follow Robin on Instagram here.

Core Team wants to thank Robin for this interview and support to our idea of spreading valuable knowledge.

*Image credits: www.bboynet.com

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